DaeJa Napier, Vipassana Teacher

Portland Vipassana Sangha
(A Weekly Online Sangha)

with DaeJa Napier

Tuesday Evenings,
Beginning Tuesday, October 8, 2024
6:00pm – 8:45pm
(A weekly Zoom link will be sent before each meeting)

Vipassana (Insight Meditation) is a simple and direct practice that opens the heart and clears the mind. With this practice the breathing body becomes a refuge, uniting stillness with moment to moment awareness – so we can truly be here.

Finding a refuge of calm amidst chaos is essential to our health, wellbeing and ability to care for ourselves, others in our personal lives – and cultivate a compassionate view of this world we share with all other breathing beings.

Taking refuge in a sangha is likened to entering into the “eye of the storm.” Upon entering the quiet environment of Noble Silence, the body begins to slow down and relax the residual stress of fear, aversion and reactivity, that unconsciously build up in the great lost-and-found department of our overwhelmed minds.

I invite you to participate in the Portland Vipassana Sangha on a regular or occasional basis. You will always be welcome.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me: daejanapier@gmail.com


6:00 – 6:30 sitting meditation
6:30 -7:15 walking meditation
7:15 – 7:45 sitting meditation
7:45 -8:30 Dharma Talk and discussion

Offered on a dana basis.

UPCOMING: Portland Teaching Visit
November 14-17 – more information to come